The Magic Of OLAPLEX
If you haven’t heard about Olaplex yet, you're missing out on the biggest innovation in the hair industry in 20 years, it’s hard to overstate the near-miraculous effect it has on hair. In the most simple terms, it’s like pushing the reset button on your hair taking it back to before any heat, chemicals and summer sun exposure.
Whenever you make a permanent change to your hair, like going dark to light or curly to straight (you get the idea), you must break the disulfide bonds in the hair, which will always leave it in a weakened state. The miracle of Olaplex is that it replaces the broken disulfide bonds, allowing you to rebuild the strength, structure, and integrity of your hair.
The difference between an Olaplex treatment and a conditioning treatment is the conditioning treatment will leave your hair smooth on the outside (think about it like lotion on your dry skin) and Olaplex works on the inside of your hair to replace the broken bonds. Using Olaplex can actually make your hair a little thicker because it’s adding back some of the internal structure.
What Olapex does: Strengthen and rebuilds your hair
What Olaplex doesn’t do: The treatment doesn’t add shine or help the cuticle to lay flat.
This is what I am using to keep my hair color looking fresh and healthy. I use the Olaplex #3 once a month (I sleep in it) and it does wonders on my fine fragile hair.